Thursday, March 24, 2011

Countries losing religion

Religion Extinction

Nine countries are predicted to lose religion according to a study using census data. The study claims that the extinction of religion will be a result of a steady rise in those claiming no religious affiliation. The team took census data stretching back as far as a century from countries in which the census queried religious affiliation: Australia, Austria, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Switzerland.


What about other countries?

Professor Lineham says the study would have very different results if the study looked at other countries.
"If they took any countries beyond the western countries they've named, they would actually have the opposite phenomenon of religion getting larger."
Which would be true for many middle eatern countries (and other countries) where religion is very deeply rooted among educated as well as uneducated people.

In addition, the same claim that religions would die out was announced in the 60s. Nothing has happened. People may give their back to religious beliefs at one time in their lives, but they may also turn back to their faith when they need it.

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