Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Common grounds between religions

What are some grounds between religions?

We live in a world where religious beliefs can lead to intolerance, or worse to terror. What some believe is true must apply to all, regardless of the differences that may exist. For differences surely exist and we must manage our difference in order not to reach the point at which tension becomes a clash - either us or them! things are not absolutely either white or black. A shade of grey may exist. Our beliefs may overlap and common grounds may be detected.


All religions and civilizations are seeking the truth. Regardless of the further content of any given religion, it says to humanity: there is a reality that extends beyond our everyday world, it is possible to speak either truth or falsehood concerning this reality, and it makes a difference whether one lives by the truth or not.


All religions without exceptions adhere to a spiritual dimension in the life of individuals. The belief in the existance of a creator, a God sheds a spiritual aspect on religious people. Even though there are incredible differences between religions, we share a common heritage of witnessing to a divine reality.

Moral values

Religions bring with them a sense of moral duty. Religions distinguish between what is good and what is evil. In a sense religion is an excellent source of moral obligations. Such obligations are imposed on us by God however conceived. This implies that memebers of different religions must find what moral values they have in common and put it to work in behalf of society.

The devil is in the details

These are some common grounds. You may find others. I have put them forward without going into details for  fear of getting entanglaed in the diffrences. For as you know the devil is in thge details. Truth for members of a religious group is represented in a written form, revealed by a god to prohets. For others truth is sought in the a llife long quest for self-development.

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